
By Martin Luther, Series edited by Alister McGrath, J. I. Packer, Introduction by J. I. Packer, Foreword by Edwin Sandys

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By Martin Luther, Series edited by Alister McGrath, J. I. Packer, Introduction by J. I. Packer, Foreword by Edwin Sandys

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For hundreds of years Christendom has been blessed with Bible commentaries written by great men of God who were highly respected for their godly work and their insight into spiritual truth. The Crossway Classic Commentaries series, carefully adapted for maximum understanding and usefulness, presents the very best work on individual Bible books for today's believers.

Ever since it was written, the apostle Paul's letter to the believers in Galatia has nurtured trust and assurance in Christ. Its grand themes of the superiority of Scripture over human reason, the sufficiency of Christ's atonement through his death, and the freedom of justification through faith alone continue to energize and enlighten Christians today.

This classic commentary from the heart of a courageous apostle will encourage and equip all who desire to understand, live out, and communicate the true gospel of Jesus Christ.


Martin Luther

Martin Luther (1483–1546) was a German theologian and one of the most influential figures in the Protestant Reformation. Some of Luther’s best-known works are the Ninety-Five Theses, “A Mighty Fortress Is Our God,” and his translation of the Bible into German. 

Product Details

Category: Commentaries & Reference
Format: Paperback
Page Count: 304
Size: 5.5 in x 8.5 in
Weight: 12.78 ounces
ISBN-10: 0-89107-994-7
ISBN-13: 978-0-89107-994-1
ISBN-UPC: 9780891079941
Case Quantity: 52
Published: May 11, 1998