Why Am I Feeling Like This?: A Teen's Guide to Freedom from Anxiety and Depression

By David Murray

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Format: Paperback

Availability: Out of Print

Why Am I Feeling Like This?: A Teen's Guide to Freedom from Anxiety and Depression

By David Murray

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A Teenager's Guide to Overcoming Anxiety or Depression

If you have experienced anxiety or depression, you may have asked yourself, Why am I feeling like this? You are not alone.

In this companion guide to his book for parents Why Is My Teenager Feeling Like This?, pastor and counselor David Murray introduces you to the personal accounts of eighteen teens who have struggled with different types of anxiety or depression. This guide will help you discover not only the common causes but also the keys to unlock their chains. By utilizing God-given truths and tactics, you can experience new liberty, peace, and joy in your life.

Read Chapter 1


David Murray

David Murray (PhD, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam) has pastored four churches in Scotland and the USA. He is also a counselor, a regular speaker at conferences, and the author of several books, including Reset and Exploring the Bible. David has taught Old Testament, counseling, and pastoral theology at various seminaries.

Product Details

Category: Children & Youth
Format: Paperback
Page Count: 144
Size: 5.5 in x 8.5 in
Weight: 5.61 ounces
ISBN-10: 1-4335-6718-0
ISBN-13: 978-1-4335-6718-6
ISBN-UPC: 9781433567186
Case Quantity: 88
Published: July 14, 2020

Table of Contents


  1. Circular Sarah
  2. Tense Tom
  3. Doomed Dave
  4. Imaginative Imogen
  5. Panicky Paul
  6. Faithless Flavia
  7. Controlling Colin
  8. Depressed Dan
  9. Negative Nicole
  10. Workaholic Will
  11. Beautiful Brianna
  12. Media Max
  13. Friendly Fiona
  14. Bullied Benton
  15. Rebellious Rob
  16. Perfect Peyton
  17. Paralyzed Pam
  18. Lonely Luke

Conclusion: Growing Freedom
Scripture Index


“As a parent of three daughters, I know teenagers fear talking to their parents about difficult subject matters like anxiety and depression. But this no longer has to be the case. My friend David Murray wrote a tool for teenagers to not only help them understand anxiety and depression but also give them guidance on how they can have tough conversations with their parents or other responsible adults.”
Ed Stetzer, Dean, Talbot School of Theology

“David Murray’s book and words have been a huge help in my walk with anxiety and depression. As a teenager, a student, and an athlete, the stresses of this world can easily become too much. I’d recommend this book to family, friends, or any teen who is struggling.”
Isaac, age 17

“Parenting is good for our prayer lives, we find, especially when sons and daughters are navigating the many anxieties that seem to coincide with the teenage years. David Murray has the practical experience and spiritual wisdom to help. Based in biblical truth and at the same time sensitive to the psychological and physiological complexities of human emotions, Murray’s companion guides tell real-life stories that empower teens and their parents to understand their feelings, care well for one another, and take concrete steps toward healing together.”
Phil and Lisa Ryken, President, Wheaton College; and his wife, Lisa

“For years, I have been scouring shelves for solid and practical teen resources that blend Christian faith and mental health. My search is over! In Why Am I Feeling Like This?, David Murray offers engaging wisdom that addresses common teenage thought hurdles that perpetuate anxiety and depression, all in a voice that resonates with a teen reader. I am thrilled to add this book to my professional library.”
Emilie DeYoung, mental health clinician; Clinical Director, Winning at Home, Inc.

“There are plenty of resources for adults struggling with stress, anxiety, and depression, but few for teens—even though we know that more teens than ever are facing these issues. A resource was desperately needed to address their unique challenges and circumstances, and this book is the best thing I could have imagined. It’s the most practical, compassionate, and biblical resource I have ever seen for teenagers struggling with anxiety and depression. I will be quickly recommending this to any struggling teen I know.”
Jaquelle Crowe Ferris, Founder and COO, The Young Writer; author, This Changes Everything

“With anxiety and depression at an all-time high in today’s teens, this book could not come at a more crucial time. Why Am I Feeling Like This? is an extremely practical, helpful, biblical, and hopeful book that will help open the pathways of communication between teens and their parents. Rather than giving spiritually cliché answers to a complex and multilayered issue, David Murray compassionately walks alongside anxious and hurting teenagers in a disarming way, offering clarity, hope, and wise counsel in how to better understand their unique struggle with anxiety and depression, as well as practical and spiritual tools to take steps toward physical and spiritual healing.”
Sarah Walton, author, The Long Road Home; coauthor, Hope When It Hurts

“All teenagers who experience anxiety or depression long for a silver bullet to magically solve the way they feel. Unfortunately, such a silver bullet does not exist. Fortunately, teens now have a toolbox full of manageable, practical approaches to help them heal in the face of anxiety or depression. In Why Am I Feeling Like This?, David Murray demonstrates his understanding of teens’ struggles and his grasp of practical, biblical paths toward healing. This book will be an immensely helpful guide to any teen who wants to find healing and is willing to take small but significant action steps to achieve it.”
Christopher Walker, Associate Pastor for Youth Ministry, Westminster Presbyterian Church, Lancaster, Pennsylvania

“Teens, if you are struggling with anxiety, depression, or a combination of the two, you need to read Why Am I Feeling Like This? David Murray will help you—he is insightful, biblical, wise, and practical. Heed his words and counsel, and mostly, heed God’s word as you seek to battle anxiety and pursue healing through Christ’s help and the hope of his gospel.”
Kristen Wetherell, author, Help for the Hungry Soul and What Makes You Beautiful