You Will Be My Witnesses: Theology for God's Church Serving in God's Mission

By Brian A. DeVries

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You Will Be My Witnesses: Theology for God's Church Serving in God's Mission

By Brian A. DeVries

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A Theological Introduction to the Witness of the Church within the Mission of God

Mission is God’s work. God spoke the first promise of gospel hope, sent his Son into this fallen world, and commissioned his Spirit to empower his church for witness. Until the day Christ returns, God has called his people to participate in his mission through evangelism, apologetics, church planting, cultural engagement, gospel suffering, and many other activities that faithfully communicate gospel hope in Christ.

This practical introduction provides a biblical framework for understanding the church’s role in God’s mission. It reviews the biblical story of God’s mission, draws insights from the church’s witness since Pentecost, and studies aspects of contemporary Christian witness. Each chapter ends with study questions to encourage further reflection and discussion by church members and ministry leaders. Readers will gain refreshing insights into how they can participate in faithfully bearing witness to Christ through the church’s work in the world today.

  • Confessional and Contemporary: Precisely defines the biblical aspects of God’s mission and Christian witness, built upon time-tested theology, yet freshly applied for witness in the post-Christendom world
  • Accessible: Written for church members, college and seminary students, ministry workers, and church leaders who are committed to creating a community that bears witness to Christ in an unchurched society
  • Practical and Motivational: Clear and crisp writing style, enhanced by many helpful figures and charts, and infused with a gospel passion to declare God’s glory among the nations
  • Spurs Discussion: Thought-provoking study questions at the end of each chapter to encourage further reflection and faithful action
  • Winner, 2024 The Gospel Coalition Book Award (Missions and Global Church)
  • Runner-Up, 2024 Christianity Today Book Award (Missions and Global Church)

Read Chapter 1


Brian A. DeVries

Brian A. DeVries (PhD, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is the president of Mukhanyo Theological College in South Africa and adjunct professor of missiology at Puritan Reformed Theological Seminary. DeVries has led three multiethnic church-planting teams in South Africa and currently serves as the pastor of Grace Reformed Church in Pretoria. He and his wife, Lanae, are blessed with five children.

Product Details

Category: Church Ministry
Format: Paperback
Page Count: 320
Size: 6.0 in x 9.0 in
Weight: 15.74 ounces
ISBN-10: 1-4335-9138-3
ISBN-13: 978-1-4335-9138-9
ISBN-UPC: 9781433591389
Case Quantity: 36
Published: October 15, 2024

Table of Contents

List of Illustrations
Preface: Your Church Serving in God’s Mission
Introduction: Witness within God's Mission

Part One: The Biblical Story of God’s Mission
Chapter 1: Mission in the Old Testament
Chapter 2: The Mission of Jesus Christ
Chapter 3: The Mission of the Holy Spirit 
Chapter 4: Witness in the New Testament 
Part Two: Concise History of Christian Witness
Chapter 5: The Church’s Witness after Pentecost 
Chapter 6: Historical Themes in Christian Witness 
Part Three: Our Witness in an Un-Christian World
Chapter 7: Christian Witness as Gospel Presence
Chapter 8: Christian Witness by Gospel Message
Chapter 9: Christian Witness by Gospel Response
Chapter 10: Christian Witness in Gospel Community

Conclusion: Motivating Our Churches to Witness

General Index
Scripture Index


“By arguing convincingly that ‘bearing witness’ is both the central aspect of the church’s mission and the identity of God’s people, DeVries helps correct a number of mistaken notions about mission and opens up new avenues for embracing our own calling as witnesses. This book is a tremendous resource: careful, clear, confessional, biblical, hopeful, inspiring, and practical. This will be one of the first books—if not the first book—​on missions that I recommend to pastors, students, and church members.”
Kevin DeYoung, Senior Pastor, Christ Covenant Church, Matthews, North Carolina; Associate Professor of Systematic Theology, Reformed Theological Seminary, Charlotte

“In this book, Brian DeVries helps us to see that we as Christians are called to be witnesses of what we have come to know of God’s saving purpose in Christ. He shows this across the Bible and across history since the days of the apostles. I love the fact that he wrestles with how we can carry out this task in light of today’s challenges. I am grateful for this warm and informative book!”
Conrad Mbewe, Pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church, Lusaka, Zambia; Founding Chancellor, African Christian University

“Brian DeVries has put together a wonderful arching overview of God’s redemptive plan throughout history and the role of his people, through the church, in seeing his glory made known among all peoples. The quality of research, historicity, and biblical rooting make this book a must-read for serious students of missions. May its impact be felt by those in the academy but even more by those faithful Christians in the pew, who through persevering witness will see the gospel of Jesus Christ reach the ends of the earth.”
Brooks Buser, President, Radius International

“This book is itself a witness. It’s a witness to a mature understanding of a discipline refined by years and years of teaching and ministry. A rich confessional depth coupled with crystal clarity and concision will surely make You Will Be My Witnesses a standard missiology textbook relevant to both seminaries and local churches around the globe. Highly recommended.”
Daniel Strange, Director, Crosslands Forum, United Kingdom; Vice President, The Southgate Fellowship

You Will Be My Witnesses should be the default introductory textbook for classes in missions, laying the theological groundwork carefully and thoroughly. But it also deserves to be read by a multitude of pastors and ordinary Christians who will be stimulated and encouraged to pray for and to participate in the task of bringing the gospel to all nations.”
Iain M. Duguid, Professor of Old Testament, Westminster Theological Seminary

You Will Be My Witnesses is an essential work for all who long to understand and effectively participate in God’s mission. This book not only captures the essence of the divine mission but also translates it into practical terms, solidly grounded in Scripture. DeVries, with erudition and theological depth, guides the reader on a journey that spans from the biblical call for faithful witness to its contemporary application in the local church. This book is a valuable resource that encourages and equips the church to obey Christ’s great commission.”
Augustus Nicodemus Lopes, Pastor, Esperança Bible Presbyterian Church, Orlando, Florida; former Chancellor, Universidade Presbiteriana Mackenzie, Brazil

“For years I have been waiting for a book to recommend that helps Christians think biblically about their place in God’s glorious mission today. This is it. Brian DeVries has drawn together in one accessible book an appreciation of the biblical foundations, historical development, and contemporary challenges of Christian witness. This is a book that lifts our gaze, warms our hearts, and provides practical steps that we and our churches can take to be more faithful witnesses wherever we find ourselves in God’s world.”
Simon Gillham, Vice Principal and Head of Department of Mission, Moore Theological College, Australia

“At its heart, this fresh reflection on witness and mission in the Scriptures, church history, and the world today is a book about the sort of piety that truly honors God. It shows how love for God and obedience to his command to bear witness to the great acts recorded in his holy word results in what DeVries rightly calls ‘missional piety’: a spirituality marked by passion and intentionality when it comes to sharing one’s faith. All in all, an important reminder!”
Michael A. G. Haykin, Professor of Church History and Biblical Spirituality, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“We are not ‘building’ but ‘receiving’ a kingdom. Brian DeVries shows from Genesis to Revelation that God’s mission in Christ is center stage. Instead of bearing this mission on our shoulders, we get to be ambassadors of this good news! This paradigm-shifting message from a veteran in missions should be at the top of any reading list on the subject.”
Michael Horton, J. Gresham Machen Professor of Systematic Theology and Apologetics, Westminster Seminary California

“Drawing from years of personal engagement in God’s universal mission and enriched by insights from church history, Brian DeVries challenges us to reexamine the local church’s role in God’s mission. With a balanced blend of biblical theology of mission, historical perspective, and practical wisdom, this book inspires us to move into a deeper, more fervent commitment to Christ’s kingdom. It is a call to rediscover the passion for missions within our church communities as we align ourselves in God’s sovereign plan for the world. This book is a must-read for anyone seeking to ignite a renewed zeal for God’s mission.”
Sherif A. Fahim, New Testament Chair, Alexandria School of Theology, Egypt; General Director, El-Soora Ministries

“If you seek to respond faithfully to the redemptive work of Christ, I urge you to read this book. It will embolden you to proclaim the gospel with confidence, recognizing that without mission, there is no church; without evangelism, there is no advancement of Christ’s kingdom; and without witness, there is no growth. Brian DeVries’s work can add a relatable and impactful dimension to the recommendation for those who have missionary zeal. May the Lord’s saving grace permeate our society through our faithful witness.”
Changwon Shu, Emeritus Professor, Chongshin Theological Seminary, South Korea

“The author has provided us with a comprehensive, robust biblical theology of what it means to be Christian witnesses within the mission of God. It is a scholarly work of high caliber and should be recommended as an academic textbook, yet it is also a practical resource for all serious Christians who seek to understand their role in God’s saving plan.”
Mohan Chacko, Principal Emeritus and Professor of Theology and Mission, Presbyterian Theological Seminary, India

“In this book, Brian DeVries helps us to see that we as Christians are called to be witnesses of what we have come to know of God’s saving purpose in Christ. He shows this across the Bible and across history since the days of the apostles. I love the fact that he wrestles with how we can carry out this task in light of today’s challenges. I am grateful for this warm and informative book!”

Conrad Mbewe

Pastor, Kabwata Baptist Church, Lusaka, Zambia; Founding Chancellor, African Christian University