This update is related to the Crossway Global Ministry Fund campaign.
Singing to Platform the Gospel
Standing to the left of center stage, Lóránd joins his voice in singing with the 13 others on stage with him. The band he serves with, Emabisz Worship, exists to proclaim the good news through song. Throughout Romania, Emabisz is becoming known as the Christian artist to listen to. Why? They, like several artists in the United States, care firstly about the proclamation of the gospel and making sure that as many people as possible have the opportunity to hear the good news and receive Jesus as their Savior. But, as Lóránd points out, the Christian music scene in Romania isn’t anything like the States: “In America you have so many worship teams—it seems like every year a couple of new groups just pop out of nowhere. But here in Romania, we have very few Christian singing groups. . . . We started with a small group of musicians and God used it in very glorious ways.”
Even though singing is a great way to proclaim the gospel, Lóránd knows there are more opportunities along with their singing performances: “We have the Word, we preach the Word, and we try to live the Word. And we are trying to do that with singing also.” Lóránd’s heart is ultimately for the gospel to go out as clearly as possible, and the Lord has given him a desire and a burden to proclaim the gospel both on stage and off stage. But as an electrical engineer, he knew he had a few things to learn about preaching the gospel if he wanted to do so biblically and properly. So, he did—joyfully!—what he knew he needed to do: he enrolled in seminary.

Give the Gift of Biblical Resources
Crossway provides Bibles and biblical resources to believers in need around the world. Join us in the effort to help provide resources to believers who have limited access to Bibles and theology books. Would you consider partnering with us? Learn More.
Equipping for Ministry Work
Since his conversion in high school, Lóránd always had a passion for the gospel and a deep desire to continue to learn and grow in his knowledge and understanding of God. Long before enrolling in seminary, he watched recorded teachings from John Piper, J. I. Packer, and other godly pastors. When he could, he would get his hands on a copy of their books for continued growth and learning.
Once in seminary, he continued to soak up all the knowledge that was being taught. And though he loved the opportunity to learn from the professors, be challenged by his students, and read the assigned content, he saw a void. Theologically sound resources in Romanian are few and far between. He and his classmates needed theologically sound resources to read and learn from—even English resources, which many of his classmates could read and speak.
Through a connection with Crossway, Lóránd received Global Pastors Book Sets for himself, several classmates, and a professor through the Crossway Equip program. This was created for men just like Lóránd who have a passion for God’s Word and a desire to be faithful in their understanding and teaching of it, but who have limited access to Bibles and/or theologically sound books. Through these resources, Lóránd and his classmates have been equipped to continue to learn valuable teachings from Scripture as they each seek to live out the calling the Lord has given them, whether on stage or through the preaching of the Word.
Receiving a Blessing to Be a Blessing
Outside of singing with Emabisz Worship, Lóránd also serves at his local church in Oradea, Romania, as a worship leader and Bible study leader. His “main prayer is that as we serve in the church, we should see Jesus daily so that we will be transformed more and more to become like him.” As he witnesses lives being transformed, he continues to grow and be transformed himself. Taking God at His Word by Kevin DeYoung has been especially impactful for him in his own study of God’s Word:
I knew a lot of things about the Bible—I knew how to read it, how great it is. But when I read this book, it changed me so much. It changed my opinion about the Bible. I came to realize all over again how much value there is in the Bible. So as the title says, I’m taking God at his Word.
And now as he continues to learn from and be impacted by the teachings from this book and how he approaches God’s Word, he’s changing the way he teaches his Bible study group at church. “We’re taking Psalm 119 from the beginning and opening it up to see more and more of its meaning. Because [DeYoung’s book] was a blessing for me, I’m looking forward to being a conduit of blessing to those I’m serving.”
Now, nearly having graduated with a degree, Lóránd is looking ahead to what comes next and asking the Lord to clearly guide him. He’s confident that until the Lord specifically calls him elsewhere, he’ll continue to lead Bible studies and worship at his church, and use his voice to proclaim the gospel through singing with Emabisz Worship. Most recently, that has come in the Lord’s provision of beginning to put on annual Christmas concerts. Though all those in the choir are all believers and are singing songs clearly proclaiming the gospel, they sing to hundreds of men and women in the audience who may not have heard the gospel. As God opens the door for this opportunity, Lóránd and his team
are trying to be as humble as God wants us to be so that we won’t miss his leading. We are looking at him and we are looking forward to seeing what God has for us to do. Right now, we saw that we must follow this vision, but we are not saying this is the only way that God wants us to serve. This is a way. So we are looking forward to what God has for us to do.
And in the meantime, Lóránd will be equipped to continue to learn and grow in his faith and share what he’s learning with others as he reads through these Crossway resources. As he is blessed by learning and growing, he continues to respond to the call to be a blessing to others in their faith journeys.
An Opportunity to Be a Blessing
Many pastors and church leaders around the world are learning from few available resources. Crossway Equip serves to provide both books and Bibles in small quantities to people in the States planning to make international trips to locations where these resources are needed. If you or your church is making an international trip to visit pastors or believers in need of God’s Word, we would encourage you to check out the Crossway Equip program. As Lóránd has served as a blessing to the classmates he gave these book sets to, you also can provide the gift of books and Bibles and bless believers in need.
Pray especially for unbelievers who attended the 2024 Emabisz Christmas concert. Pray that the Spirit would move inside their hearts to call them to himself as a result of hearing the gospel proclaimed.
Pray for Lóránd as he leads his Bible study group. Pray that the resources he has received will continue to serve as an encouragement to him as he cares for fellow believers in this context.