In Their Words: The Need for Bibles in South African Communities
Three South African pastors share a snapshot of their communities from across the diverse country. Each community is unique and has different challenges, but together they all share one urgent need.
The Gift of Bibles Means “Everyone Is Literally on the Same Page”
When one of Crossway’s ministry partners received a shipment of 10,000 Bibles to Kenya from the One Million Bibles Initiative: Global South, the village of Nyali was on the list. Though they could think of many churches who would benefit from having new Bibles, this ministry partner needed to prioritize the ones who didn’t have any.
“Bibles Will Always Be Needed”
Theodore Robertson and Mario Maneville faithfully serve their church and community in one of the most poverty-stricken parts of Cape Town. They and their church seek to faithfully serve the gospel where the light of Christ is desperately needed, but that effort is made more difficult by the lack of Bibles accessible to their church.
How One Man Is Rescuing Children from Sex Slavery and Giving the Word of God to Thousands
In 2023, Amir’s ministry distributed 700,000 Bibles throughout India—many given through Crossway’s One Million Bibles Initiative: Global South. But Amir is just getting started. With a population of more than 1.4 billion people—a majority of these Hindus—he’s skimming the surface of the need.
“With This, Women Can Impact the World”: How the Bible Changes Everything
Many of the Christians in India today who are looking for answers to life’s questions and flocking to church gatherings are women. But there’s one problem: many of them don’t have a Bible. If they did, it would have a great impact. Through Crossway’s One Million Bibles Initiative, you can help to address this problem.
Why the Gospel Is Reviving Displaced Peoples Camps in Nigeria
In Nigerian homes where women have been left to raise their children alone, some don’t have access to God’s Word. How can these women teach the truth of God’s Word when they don’t have a Bible? Through Crossway’s One Million Bibles Initiative, donors are partnering with us to address this need.
What Is the Christian’s Compass?
“Imagine you’ve bought a piece of equipment and you want to know how it operates. You have to read the manual to learn how to operate that piece of equipment that you’ve bought. And that’s what the Bible is.” Join Crossway this spring in providing God’s Word to women and other believers in need.
The Secret to One Church's Effort to Prepare Their Members for Eternity
Greenheights Community of Believers resides in a bustling city just outside of Manila, Philippines. Their doors are always open to anyone who may choose to stop by for a brief visit, and others who come to stay awhile. But what so many of these visitors have in common is a request they make: they are looking for a Bible.
Why aren't some people able to afford a Bible?
Millions of believers around the world cannot afford to purchase a copy of their own Bible. Filipino ministry leader Mil Matienzo shares the reality that those in his church have faced in their efforts to obtain a copy of their own Bible, and how the One Million Bibles Initiative is providing an answer to prayer for many of these people.
Why is it important for members of your church to have a Bible?
We may be tempted to think it’s normal to see Bibles filling the backs of pews in our churches. But Filipino pastor Joseph Lu shares that this isn’t normal for his church, and reflects on why it’s important for each person to have a Bible of their own.
One Million Bibles? “A Drop in the Bucket” with Eternal Significance
“Probably six or seven people in each of the little houses in this Ugandan village . . . are getting the chance to have access to a Bible in their homes. It’s making an impact on more than just one life, but numerous lives.”
The Best Gift
It’s hard for Musa to know exactly what God calls him to because he has never had a Bible of his own. He’s never held a copy of God’s Word in his hands, and he doesn’t own a computer or smartphone. It costs a lot of money to buy a Bible even in Kampala, a sum that he can’t imagine spending due to the limited payment he receives for his work at the shipping yard.
Pastoring a Church without Bibles: Possible, but Not Recommended
A group of Filipino pastors gathered together from all over the country with different backgrounds and experiences, but all of them have something in common: they lack the foundational resource they need to effectively carry out the ministry God has called them to as pastors.
How You Can Make an Eternal Impact on the Next Generation
“Young children [need to] get in the Bible so that they can get used to using the Bible as a reference point. If you go outside this community, you’ll be met with a lot of worldly things, so it’s very important that they’re sure of whose they are.”
Changing Lives in Africa, One Children’s Bible at a Time
The Awana Africa team has been faced with a huge task: they have thousands of children active in their Awana clubs who are learning more about Jesus, but they don’t have Bibles to share with them. And those children almost never come with a Bible.
Why Invest in the Spiritual Vitality of the Church in Africa?
“We are especially needy of enrichment and investment when it comes to theology so that our relationship with the Lord might be all the more robust and biblical.”
How Fast is Africa's Population Growing?
“The question is not, will there be a church in Africa? The question is, what kind of church will it be? . . . [This] frames our work as God’s people around the world. . . ."
One Million Bibles Initiative: A Distribution Update
Thanks to the gifts of so many faithful partners, we rejoice that God has provided funding for the initial printing, delivery, and distribution of more than 125,000 Bibles.
One Million Bibles: Phase 1 Goal Met
More than 100,000 additional Bibles will be printed, delivered, and distributed by partners around the world in the coming months.
Last Chance to Give: Will You Join Us?
There is one last day to give to the One Million Bibles Initiative, helping us reach our 2022 goal of raising funds to distribute 100,000 Bibles to the Global South.
Give the Bread of Life to a World in Need
Please join us in this last week of our year-end campaign, as we pursue our goal of raising $500,000 to distribute 100,000 Bibles to Christians in need in places like India.
The Shift from Global North to Global South
By 2050, it is expected that the Global South will be home to more than 2.6 billion Christians, with the Global North's growth seeing a less significant increase to 787 million. But access to biblical resources hasn’t reflected this shift.
Prosperity Gospel: A Spiritual Pandemic
As COVID-19 has spread at rapid rates throughout the entire world, so has the church seen the prosperity gospel spread throughout congregations in every region of the world.
Importance of God’s Word in the Church
Read testimony from Pastor Dennis Shoppere on the importance of church members in Eitii, Kenya having their own Bibles.
What Is the Bible?
Crossway is seeking to spur on a love for the Bible as is expressed by these ministry workers. A gift of $50 will fund the distribution of 10 Bibles.
The Philippines: Christian, or Not?
As part of the One Million Bibles initiative, Crossway will provide Bibles at our manufacturing cost (no margin) and will use a portion of donated funds to underwrite shipping costs to supply places in the Global South with Bibles.
Gospel Fruit = Eternal Fruit
If you haven’t yet, please consider giving to help us reach our goal of raising $500,000 by December 31, 2022, to send 100,000 Bibles to Christians in need in the Global South.
Christianity in India
Despite religious attacks on Christians since 2014, there is good reason to believe that more are coming to faith. These believers are in need of Bibles! Would you help?
Transformation in Rural Zambian Communities
When Bibles are distributed to these communities, I'm confident that will see spiritual transformation take place.
$50 Gives 10 Bibles
Your gift of $50 could provide 10 Bibles to a rural church where members share copies. $100 could equip 20 pastors with study Bibles.