This update is related to the One Million Bibles Initiative: Global South campaign.
Not All Pastors Have the Tools to Build a Sermon
Imagine your pastor settling down in his office chair, maybe with a cup of coffee, to begin preparing for next Sunday’s sermon. On his computer, he has a blank document ready to be filled; to his left, he’s cracked open his preferred Bible translation, with additional versions on his monitor. On his right, a stack of commentaries rest. As he begins to work on this Sunday’s passage, he realizes he forgot to grab his study Bible—one of his most helpful tools for understanding a text. So he pushes back his chair and heads over to his wood bookshelf full of an array of Bibles, textbooks from his seminary days, and dense theology books. He pulls out his study Bible and then grabs an extra book or two while he is there. He returns to his already filled desk and places all these additional resources on top. He sits down again to begin his sermon, surrounded by books, Bibles, and other resources that provide him with an incredible toolset as he works to understand and teach God’s Word.
Now imagine a pastor in rural South Africa. As he prepares for his own sermon, he’s not sitting in a study or library, but rather, he is at home in his living room, sitting in front of an old TV with a remote in hand. He clicks through the channels and finds a pastor preaching the prosperity gospel. The sermon on the TV isn’t on a particular Bible text, but rather about faith and God’s provision. As he begins to outline his sermon he paraphrases a few memorable points from the TV preacher and adds a few thoughts of his own based on what he has heard from other “spiritual” figures and family members growing up. He has an old Bible that he reads occasionally and holds while preaching, but that’s it: no commentaries, no additional translations, and no study Bible. With almost no access to resources or training on how to read and study the Bible, this is the only way he knows how to prepare next Sunday’s sermon.
The scarcity of theological resources, and especially the Bible, is a very real reality in South Africa that Pastor Trent Eayrs, from Durban, South Africa, describes,
Pastors will gravitate toward watching TV and emulate what they hear. And most of what they hear in areas like this is not doctrinally sound, probably something quite syncretistic. This means they will try to blend preachers on TV with African traditional religion and with some measure or flavor of Christianity. They try and squeeze the two together and the result is a watering down of the gospel.
Without their own copy of the Bible, or perhaps the tools to study one they do own, many pastors risk confused, ineffective, or even heretical preaching to their congregations. For many pastors, not only has no one ever explained how essential it is to center their ministry on God’s Word, but few can easily afford to purchase their own copy. Bibles are expensive in many parts of the Global South, and acquiring an edition with interpretive commentary—like a good study Bible—is next to impossible for many due to the expense. Yet, a study Bible is one of the most effective tools a pastor can own, both in spurring on his personal growth as well as aiding him in faithfully shepherding his congregation.

Give the Gift of Biblical Resources
Crossway provides Bibles and biblical resources to believers in need around the world. Join us in the effort to help provide resources to believers who have limited access to Bibles and theology books. Would you consider partnering with us? Learn More.
The Tool to Dig into the Word
It is essential that all pastors build their life, relationships, and personal faith on God’s Word, but Scripture can be difficult to interpret at times. A study Bible in the hands of a pastor will help him delve deeper into God’s Word more than he would have been able to on his own.
Pastor Athi Mgqibulo, from Johannesburg, South Africa, shared how the ESV Global Study Bible has transformed both his personal understanding of Scripture and his ability to guide his congregation well.
I’ve realized that I’m actually just superficial in some sense. I’m not digging into passages. I’m not getting the core, the authorial intent of the passage. I just took a verse and I ran with it [when I was] in university, but in coming across the Global Study Bible, it has been my number one tool in preparing . . . .
It has been helpful for my own soul to understand the Bible better, to understand Christ better, to feed my own soul and heart because some passages you become stuck on and it discourages you from continuing even your own Bible reading. But with this [study Bible], it helps it be smooth for my own soul, but also for my ability to shepherd people better with the Word of God and be more faithful. I really have been grateful for that.
When a pastor who otherwise could not afford a study Bible is provided with one, he now has access to a sound resource that will help him dig deeper into God’s Word. Through the work of the Holy Spirit, a study Bible has the potential to transform the lives of pastors and churches, just like Athi and his flock.
Filling the Tool Box
Through the Lord’s provision and the partnership of donors from all over the world in the One Million Bibles Initiative, we have been able to distribute 201,044 study Bibles to pastors, ministry leaders, and lay believers who otherwise would not have been able to afford one. These study Bibles are meeting a desperate need shared by pastors and churches in the Global South. Pastor Dilip Chetty from Johannesburg, South Africa, helped distribute study Bibles provided through the One Million Bibles Initiative. He shared that “it is the most exciting experience to see a pastor so hungry for a study Bible that sometimes tears would drop from their eyes as you take a study Bible and you put it into his hand. And now he’s got resources to go into his church and make such a transformational change.”
Praise the Lord for the incredible, life-altering work that he is doing to provide the tools for pastors to aid them in leading their congregations faithfully. We also praise God for all the thousands of partners and donors who have joined with us in prayer and supported the One Million Bibles Initiative: Global South. While we have reached our goal of funding the printing and distribution of one million Bibles, this work of resourcing the global church is both vital and urgent, so with God’s provision and ongoing donor support, Crossway will continue to provide Bibles to the Global South through international Bible distribution so that all may hear of Jesus and his saving power.
Please pray for the shipping and distribution of the remaining 200,000 ESV Global Study Bibles, that they will arrive safely and cause transformational change in the lives of the recipients.
Pray that these study Bibles will grow pastors and strengthen the church for God’s kingdom.