Created to Draw Near: Our Life as God's Royal Priests

By Edward T. Welch

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Created to Draw Near: Our Life as God's Royal Priests

By Edward T. Welch

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Many Christians prefer to keep God at a safe distance—a distant God makes fewer demands. They imagine God has rules just for the sake of obedience, missing the point that God delights in making them holy so they can draw near to him. God’s plan from the beginning has been for his people to draw near to him as a kingdom of priests.

In 40 short, meditative chapters, best-selling author Ed Welch traces iterations of the priestly job description from the garden of Eden to the heavenly city in a way that helps believers discover their identity as royal priests and learn what it means that they were created to be made holy as they draw near to God and receive his lavish hospitality.

Read Chapter 1


Edward T. Welch

Edward T. Welch (PhD, University of Utah) is a counselor and faculty member at the Christian Counseling & Educational Foundation. He has been counseling for more than 35 years and has written extensively on the topics of depression, fear, and addictions. His books include When People Are Big and God Is SmallCrossroads: A Step-by-Step Guide Away From AddictionRunning Scared: Fear, Worry and the God of RestShame Interrupted, and Side by Side. He blogs regularly at

Product Details

Title: Created to Draw Near
Subtitle: Our Life as God's Royal Priests
Published: January 07, 2020
ISBN-10: 1-4335-6638-9
ISBN-13: 978-1-4335-6638-7
Category: Counseling
Retail Price: $17.99
Binding: Paperback
Trim: 5.25 in x 8.25 in
Page Count: 224

Table of Contents

Introduction: Longing for Closeness

Part 1: Our Past

  1. In the Garden of God
  2. In God’s Image
  3. Not Yet Dressed 
  4. Discern Right from Wrong
  5. An Intruder
  6. Discernment Lost
  7. Life Outside the Most Holy Place


  1. Sanctuaries and Ladders
  2. Jacob
  3. Moses
  4. A Nation of Priests
  5. Holy
  6. A Meal with God
  7. In God’s House
  8. Priests Clothed
  9. Job Descriptions
  10. Priests at Work
  11. “Be Holy as I Am Holy”
  12. In God’s Courtroom
  13. A Tumultuous Interlude

Part 2: Jesus Our Tabernacle 

  1. The Holy One Descends 
  2. Jesus our Passover Lamb
  3. Interrupted by a Wedding
  4. Jesus the Temple
  5. Jesus the High Priest
  6. Believe
  7. Descending Further
  8. The Lamb Slain
  9. Jesus Ascends, the Spirit Descends 

Part 3: Almost Truly Human

  1. Priests in Plain Clothes
  2. Priests Descend and Ascend
  3. Saints
  4. Shining Faces
  5. Living Stones, Flowing Fountains
  6. Enter In
  7. Be Sent Out
  8. Walking Uphill
  9. The High Priest Prays for You

General Index
Scripture Index


“You have your grace books and your older holiness books. At times, they exist in two different worlds. Not for Ed Welch. In a book full of rich insights that link the Old and New Testaments, Welch paints a picture of holiness and intimacy with God that makes you want to be holy. He widens our view of holiness, working to craft it into a vision of beauty. You’ll want to obey after reading this book.”
Paul E. Miller, author, A Praying Life; J-Curve; and A Praying Church

“Scripture is a strange book that tells a different story about who we are. It feels strange to hear that priesthood is a key theme of our identity in this life, so full of work stress, broken relationships, and personal failure. But Welch shows us that being near to God, secured by the priestly work of our Lord Jesus Christ, is what we were made for. This book will help you see yourself in this strange, wonderful light.”
Jeremy Pierre, Lawrence and Charlotte Hoover Professor of Biblical Counseling, Southern Baptist Theological Seminary, Louisville, Kentucky

“There is no greater human longing than for relational intimacy. This is because we are created for intimacy with our Creator and others. Sin destroys this intimacy, and the gospel restores it. The best news we will ever hear is that the perfectly holy God invites us into table fellowship as his adopted children. By faith every believer has full access as priests to boldly approach the throne of grace. Ed Welch offers great help in understanding these astounding results of the finished work of our Great High Priest. I hope this book has a great influence in encouraging God’s people to seize our priestly privileges in Christ.”
K. Erik Thoennes, Professor of Theology, Talbot School of Theology, Biola University; Pastor, Grace Evangelical Free Church, La Mirada, California

“I treasure Ed Welch’s writings. I don’t know another counselor who can write a book like this—Ed has built for us a rich biblical theology of God’s presence. Created to Draw Near helped me to understand my Old Testament better, and it grew my love for Jesus as Savior and High Priest of my soul.”
Deepak Reju, Pastor of Biblical Counseling and Family Ministry, Capitol Hill Baptist Church, Washington, DC; author, The Pastor and Counseling and She’s Got the Wrong Guy

“When some writers and preachers today suggest that the gospel is only about forgiveness, Ed Welch reminds us that it is also good news that God brings us into a life of holiness.”
Gerald R. McDermott, Former Anglican Chair of Divinity, Beeson Divinity School

"In a book full of rich insights that link the Old and New Testaments, Welch paints a picture of holiness and intimacy with God that makes you want to be holy."

Paul E. Miller

author, A Praying Life and J-Curve: Dying and Rising with Jesus in Everyday Life