Faithful Endurance: The Joy of Shepherding People for a Lifetime

Edited by Collin Hansen, Jeff Robinson Sr., Contributions by Timothy Keller, Dave Harvey, Bryan Chapell, Dan Doriani, Juan R. Sanchez, John Starke, Mark McCullough, Scott Patty, Tom Ascol, Brandon Shields

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Faithful Endurance: The Joy of Shepherding People for a Lifetime

Edited by Collin Hansen, Jeff Robinson Sr., Contributions by Timothy Keller, Dave Harvey, Bryan Chapell, Dan Doriani, Juan R. Sanchez, John Starke, Mark McCullough, Scott Patty, Tom Ascol, Brandon Shields

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Pastoral ministry is not for the faint of heart. The difficult circumstances unique to leading a church can cause young pastors to question their calling and quickly burn out. But quitting or failing are not the only options—a fact proven by the faithful track records of veteran pastors throughout church history. Featuring contributions by a diverse team of experienced pastors such as Tim Keller, D. A Carson, Bryan Chapell, Dave Harvey, and Juan Sanchez, this book offers young pastors a realistic view of issues that could potentially undermine their ministry—issues such as family life, personal devotions, criticism, and financial strain. Each chapter includes a letter written by a young pastor setting up a dilemma, followed by an answer filled with wisdom gleaned from the Bible, history, and years of personal experience, to encourage pastors to keep the future in view as they press on in ministry.


Collin Hansen

Collin Hansen (MDiv, Trinity Evangelical Divinity School) is the vice president for content and editor in chief for the Gospel Coalition and the executive director of the Keller Center for Cultural Apologetics. He hosts the Gospelbound podcast and wrote Timothy Keller: His Spiritual and Intellectual Formation. He is an adjunct professor and cochair of the advisory board at Beeson Divinity School in Birmingham, Alabama. You can follow him on X at @collinhansen.

Jeff Robinson Sr.

Jeff Robinson Sr. (PhD, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary) is a senior editor for the Gospel Coalition and serves as the president and editor in chief of The Baptist Courier. He is the coauthor of To the Ends of the Earth: Calvin's Missional Vision and Legacy.

Product Details

Title: Faithful Endurance
Subtitle: The Joy of Shepherding People for a Lifetime
Published: April 30, 2019
ISBN-10: 1-4335-6265-0
ISBN-13: 978-1-4335-6265-5
Category: Church Ministry
Retail Price: $15.99
Binding: Paperback
Trim: 5.5 in x 8.5 in
Page Count: 160

Table of Contents

Collin Hansen


  1. Ministry Has Left Me Spiritually Listless
    Tim Keller
  2. Is It Time for Me to Go?
    D. A. Carson
  3. My Preaching Always Sounds the Same Bryan Chapell
  4. I’m under the Fire of Criticism
    Dan Doriani
  5. I Would Never Have Attended the Church I Now Lead
    Tom Ascol
  6. My Critics Are a Burden for My Wife
    Juan R. Sanchez with Jeanine D. Sanchez
  7. They’ve Left, and I’m Crushed!
    Dave Harvey
  8. Does Staying in a Small Rural Church Make Me a Failure?
    Mark McCullough
  9. I’m Feeling Tired, Worn Out, and in Need of a Break
    John Starke
  10. My Church Has Outgrown My Gifts
    Scott Patty
  11. How Am I Going to Make It Financially
    Brandon Shields
  12. I’ve Come to Doubt My Calling
    Jeff Robinson Sr.


Afterword: An Interview with John MacArthur
General Index
Scripture Index


“In ministry, you need company—and the wiser the company, the better. Not all of us enjoy mutually encouraging pastoral friendships with the likes of the contributors to this volume, but here they welcome you into their own lives and experiences and doubts and heartbreaks and trials. In so doing, they offer counsel and hope for those in ministry. And we all need that.”
Ligon Duncan, Chancellor and CEO, Reformed Theological Seminary

“Pastors get worn down, discouraged, depleted, and depressed. This short but pastorally rich book will prove to be a spiritual tonic for pastors. I recommend reading and meditating on the essays in this book, which will provide strength and solace for the journey.”
Thomas R. Schreiner, James Buchanan Harrison Professor of New Testament Interpretation, The Southern Baptist Theological Seminary

“The apostle Paul wrote, ‘Follow me, as I follow Christ.’ We grow not only by learning true concepts but also by following faithful people. In Faithful Endurance, a team of veteran pastors invites younger pastors to follow them into the buffetings and temptations of ministry, offering the path of wisdom that the Lord faithfully provides for every new generation. I wish this fine book had been available to me when I was a young pastor.”
Ray Ortlund, Pastor to Pastors, Immanuel Church, Nashville, Tennessee

“Pastoral ministry often feels like a labyrinth filled with uncertain turns and innumerable blind spots. If ventured on alone, the journey is marked by constant frustration and despair. But if you are joined by a friend, especially a wise one, the journey is not only more enjoyable but also more likely to result in safe passage. While reading Faithful Endurance, I felt accompanied by wise friends who imparted insightful wisdom that I trust will help me and any other pastor to remain faithful until the end.”
J. Garrett Kell, Pastor, Del Ray Baptist Church, Alexandria, Virginia; author, Pure in Heart

“Many pastors face unanticipated troubles—ministry discouragement, constant criticism, devotional dryness, or feelings of inadequacy and failure. They need seasoned leaders to speak directly to them in the midst of these challenging situations. And they need these leaders to share the wisdom they’ve learned from God’s Word and their own similar experiences. In other words, they need the stabilizing encouragement of this book. I wish I had had it years ago, and I gladly commend it to fellow pastors.”
Drew Hunter, Pastor, Zionsville Fellowship, Zionsville, Indiana; author, Made for Friendship

“I love this book! It is nearly impossible to overstate the wealth of seasoned, practical, pastoral wisdom that can be found in every chapter. Being called to be a pastor is a high honor, and being commissioned to preach the gospel is a beautiful thing, but the life of a pastor always includes seasons of hardship. Each chapter of this book speaks into those seasons with the tenderness of compassion, the grace of understanding, and the helpfulness of truth spoken in love. If you are a pastor, get this book, read it with an open heart, and then keep it near, because there will be seasons when you will reach for it again and find it to be your friend.”
Paul David Tripp, author, New Morning Mercies: A Daily Gospel Devotional