The following Bible verses tell the story of Jesus’ birth. If you are the guide for this “countdown,” help summarize or act out the readings, explaining each passage. Finally, have a child place a sticker on the road to Bethlehem each day to visualize the “progress” of the Christmas story.
- God made it possible for Mary to be pregnant. Matthew 1:18
- An angel talked to Joseph about the birth. Matthew 1:20
- The angel said that Mary’s special son will save us from our sins. Matthew 1:21
- God had already said that his Son would come in this way. Matthew 1:22–23
- Joseph would care for Mary while she was pregnant. Matthew 1:24–25
- It was time to register for the population census. Luke 2:1–2
- God had promised that Bethlehem would be Jesus’ birthplace. Micah 5:2
- Mary and Joseph went to Bethlehem to be registered. Luke 2:3–5
- Mary gave birth to baby Jesus in a stable. Luke 2:6–7
- An angel surprised some shepherds. Luke 2:8–9
- “Good news” was announced about a baby who would be a Savior. Luke 2:10–12
- Lots of angels joined in praising God! Luke 2:13–14
- The shepherds got excited about finding the baby. Luke 2:15
- The shepherds visited the special baby. Luke 2:16–17
- Everyone was amazed at the baby boy! Luke 2:18–20
- The baby was named Jesus. Luke 2:21
- The wise men followed a star, looking for Jesus. Matthew 2:1–2
- King Herod got concerned when he heard about Jesus. Matthew 2:3–4
- The Old Testament had already told about the town of Jesus’ birth. Matthew 2:5–6
- King Herod came up with a plan to find Jesus. Matthew 2:7–8
- The wise men again found the guiding star. Matthew 2:9–10
- The wise men met Mary and Jesus. Matthew 2:11
- God warned the wise men to avoid King Herod. Matthew 2:12
- Jesus came so we can become children of God! Galatians 4:4–5
- Jesus grew up to die on the cross so we can have never-ending life with God! John 3:16–17