Not If but When: Reflections on 4 Different Kinds of Healing
Andrew Wilson,
Rachel Wilson
At some point or other, every Christian with a disability is going to have to figure out how to think about physical healing. In our case, theological reflection on healing has been essential.
Adoption and Spiritual Warfare
Russell Moore
There seems to be an orphan-making urge among us, whether we see it in the slave culture of centuries past or the divorce culture of today. But where does it come from?
7 Tips for Young Adults to Improve Their Relationships with Their Parents
Gaye B. Clark
You can mitigate your frustrations with your parents. Here are seven tips that may help you have a better relationship.
How to Maintain Everyday Faithfulness in Festive Times
Glenna Marshall
God has equipped us to follow Christ faithfully no matter what season of life we’re living.
Martin Luther, the Loving Father
Carl R. Trueman
When it came to the rearing of children, Luther had plenty of advice.
You and Your Toddler Teach One Another Theology
Kristen Wetherell
There is no distinction between the sacred and the secular; everything belongs to the Lord and is under his reign.
Help! I Don’t Know How to Answer My Kid’s Tough Questions
Rebecca McLaughlin
Rather than seeing our cultural challenges today only as obstacles for our kids, I’m increasingly convinced they’re opportunities to do three important things.
5 Things Your Children Need from You
Paul David Tripp
Parenting is not a behavior-control mission; it is a heart-rescue mission. The only hope for a lost child is a radical transformation of his heart.
4 Questions about Leading Family Devotions
Adam Griffin
It is critically important to give our lives in the service of leading our children to be followers and friends of Jesus.
How to Help Your Kids Love the Bible
William R. Osborne
As parents and caregivers, we want our children to know the God revealed in the Bible and come to love his word deeply, just as we have.
Why Every Parent Should Embrace Their Inability
Paul David Tripp
It is vital that you believe and admit that you have no power whatsoever to change your child.
Modeling Our Faith to Our Kids as Both a Sinner and a Saint
Matt Chandler,
Adam Griffin
Two key components are essential for family discipleship through Christian modeling. A godly role model needs to be reliable and relatable.
How to Honor the Lord with Your Summer Vacation
Timothy Z. Witmer
When you take your vacation time, how do you reflect your priorities and honor the Lord?
Guiding Children to Adulthood: What Does Success Look Like?
Gaye B. Clark
With grown or nearly grown adult children, it can be easy to despair and think it is too late to improve or repair our relationship with our kids. But is anything too difficult for God?
4 Essential Things to Remember When Disciplining Your Children
Sam Crabtree
What are we trying to do in disciplining children? We are not just trying to avoid all annoyances. There’s an aim here and it's a glorious one.
The Problem with Child-Directed Parenting
Sam Crabtree
Young children cannot “lead” parents to a Jesus they do not know, but parents can lead a child to a Jesus the parents know and love.
A Story of Grace in the Face of Infertility
Matthew Arbo
Read the personal story of a couple who experienced infertility for a period long enough to know the pressures, anxieties, absences, and losses that so commonly define the experience.
Help! My Teenager Won’t Open Up to Me
Lindsey Carlson
Now, as a parent of a teenager, it’s easy to feel locked out. It is painful to stand on the wrong side of the door of your son or daughter’s heart as though they’ve changed the locks.
How to Balance Being a Husband and a Father
God is willing to give wisdom to every young dad for both being a father and a husband.
Why Do Children Disobey?
Sam Crabtree
Children are not naturally obedient. The problem lies in the opposite direction. The little fellows are sinners—and sin hardens.
9 Ways to Pass on Your Faith through Family Milestones
Matt Chandler,
Adam Griffin
Your faith is your children’s best possible inheritance. Pass it on to them as often and thoroughly as you can.
Be Careful, Your Kids Are Emulating Your Works Righteousness
Kristen Wetherell
Salvation comes to undeserving, dead sinners as a free gift of God, not by anything we do. Yet the heart’s tendency toward works righteousness—thinking we can earn our salvation—runs deep.
What Parents Can Learn from Children’s Books
J. I. Packer
In many respects, and certainly in spiritual matters, we are all weak and inadequate, and we need to face it.
How Do I Raise Grateful Kids?
Sam Crabtree
How can we raise kids to recognize with heartfelt gratitude that they are served by an endless conveyor belt of divinely supplied benefits including life, breath, and everything?
How Stories Teach Kids about Sin
Betsy Childs Howard
The calling to raise children to love God and hate sin is daunting, and Christian parents should avail themselves of all the help they can get.
5 Reasons to Prioritize Family Worship
Donald S. Whitney
Just about everyone I know feels overwhelmed, and most are busier than they’ve ever been, especially if they have children at home.
Parents, Your Children Were Never Intended to Give You Identity
Paul David Tripp
If you are not resting in your vertical identity, you will look horizontally, searching to find yourself and your reason for living in something in the creation
The Mission Field I Never Expected
Rachel Wilson
For those of us who are parents, God wants us to esteem the field he’s given us. It’s not a tiring distraction from the true mission field we should be tilling.
Introducing Unfolding Grace for Kids
In Unfolding Grace for Kids, children ages 8–12 are invited on a guided journey through 40 select Scripture readings to uncover the unifying message of God’s Word.
How Adoption Mirrors God’s Love for the Fatherless
Amy DiMarcangelo
Throughout history, God has faithfully used Christians to play a pivotal role in orphan care. Until Christ’s return—when he brings full restoration and makes all things new—we’re called to continue this work.