The Economy’s 3 Essential Ingredients
Economists are looking at things that people have to make trade-off decisions about. That includes material resources, time, and relationships.
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The Economy’s 3 Essential Ingredients
Economists are looking at things that people have to make trade-off decisions about. That includes material resources, time, and relationships.
The Most Accessible Person in the Universe
Jesus is lowly, he's accessible. You don't have to go through security to get to him. You just have to humble yourself.
Why Devotional Bible Reading Is Good Bible Reading
The purpose of reading the Bible devotionally is to commune with God and grow closer to him.
Spiritual Authority in an Anti-Authoritarian Age
God-appointed church leadership is for our good, stability, health, and protection.
The Counterintuitive Nature of Authority
Authority can be dangerous. But, if used rightly, it can also be a blessing.
3 Questions Leaders Should Ask Themselves about Equipping the Church for Ministry
Here are three questions for church leaders to ask themselves before trying to help their people love each other better.
Rebalancing Our Approach to Observing the Sabbath
We don’t want to add to his Word. We don’t want to take away from his Word. We want to observe his Word, and the Sabbath is no exception.
Preach the Bible, Not Your Dog
One of the big dangers that faces pastors today comes from a desire to connect with people.
Reading the Bible Is a Discipline, Loving the Bible Is a Gift from God
Reading the Bible is an action. It's something that I do, but there is a supernatural reality going on when we open God's Word that we can't see with our eyes.
Is It Right for Christians to Think the World Is Not Our Home?
There really are two kingdoms that are competing within the gospels. There is the kingdom that is ruled by Satan and there is the kingdom that is ruled by Jesus.
Zach Eswine shares his own story of loss and the stunning realization that true faithfulness is not synonymous with ministry success.
Prayer is the means by which we implore the Holy Spirit to take up residence in our study time.
The One Thing That Will Free You from FOMO
The more heavenward my life has become, the more meaning I’ve found in mundane things, and the more motivated I’ve been to serve the Lord.
Spurgeon’s Secret to a Fruitful Ministry
Fruitful ministry is less about self and more about Christ.
How the Gospel Transforms the Teen Years
To live a life transformed by the gospel means that everything in life changes.
Should Ministry Be a Calling or an Aspiration?
Scripture doesn’t use the exact word calling. So, that means we don’t have to. It’s a question of wisdom. Is this helpful language?
Is Family Life a Proving Ground for Ministry?
The family really is meant to be a proving ground for a man's character, his ability as a leader, his ability to teach and shepherd and guide and direct and provide.
Understanding the Role of Justification
Theologically understood, justification is the moment—the event—that God declares a sinner righteous in his sight.
How Lament Can Help with Racial Reconciliation
When we don't know what to say, lament can become a really helpful language to use.
My friend, as you are united to Christ and the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ is applied to your life, you will experience the change that you long for.
The common good is such an important concept because it helps us understand that when we are pursuing the welfare of the city, we're not looking out for our self-interest alone.
Read-Aloud Video: ‘Lucy and the Saturday Surprise’
Watch a video and enjoy hearing this children's story about the dangers of envy and joy of contentment read aloud by its author Melissa Kruger.
The Purpose of Vibrant Illustrations in ‘The Biggest Story Bible Storybook’
Kids—and really all of us—are drawn to images and pictures. The illustrations in this edition present a kind of mood.
The Church’s Role in Racial Reconciliation
The church has a vital role to play in reconciliation between people of different ethnicities. It actually goes to the essence of what it means to be a Christian.
How to Pray When You’re Feeling Shame
Here are three things to pray for when you’re feeling ashamed.
Why It’s Easier to Show Regular (Not Sporadic) Hospitality
It’s much easier for me to practice daily hospitality than it would be monthly because I don’t have to do something different.
Hell is eternal conscious punishment where sinners are separated from God’s gracious presence. Hell is eternal. Hell lasts forever after this life.
What Is Our True Comfort in Life and Death?
If you want both comfort in life and death, start by recognizing the truth about the world and about yourself.
Common Pitfalls on the Path to Becoming a Pastor
Ministry is a gift of grace. So, hold your aspirations loosely and recognize any opportunity to serve God's people is a gift from him.
Why Restoration from Victimization Is Possible
God's Word is neither shy about topics of sexual victimization nor simplistic when it comes to solutions. Restoration is possible!