When the Sun Rose, the Son Rose
In some ways the exodus is a death and resurrection story, but in many other ways the death and resurrection of Jesus is an exodus story.
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When the Sun Rose, the Son Rose
In some ways the exodus is a death and resurrection story, but in many other ways the death and resurrection of Jesus is an exodus story.
David Wells, author of God in the Whirlwind: How the Holy-love of God Reorients Our World, is asked a few questions about what he hopes to accomplish with his new book and why he thinks a renewed appreciation for God's "holy-love" is important for evangelicalism.
Why the Book of Psalms Is for You
The Psalms were written for ordinary Christians leading ordinary lives—lives marked by depression, discouragement, despair, frustration, or maybe even numbness toward God or anger toward others.
The Fundamental Decision We All Must Face
You can either put God at the center of the universe in your heart or you can put yourself or something else there.
How Can Busy Moms Pursue a Lifestyle of Faithfulness?
The call to faithfulness still applies to moms. We are shaping young hearts to follow Jesus, and so that calling is very real. Our faithfulness is important for our children.
You’re Needed, No Matter What Life-Season You’re In
Without trying to be somebody you're not, think about how you can be hospitable to those around you in your current season of life.
What Does It Mean to Take the Lord’s Supper in “Remembrance” of Christ?
Many times today, Christians think that this remembrance is simply recalling past events, but this remembrance—at least from a biblical standpoint—means a lot more.
How Does the Gospel Shape Our Goals for Children’s Ministry?
There are four ways that the gospel shapes our goals for children's ministry. I read those four ways in the way that Paul ministered to the church in Corinth.
Answering Kids’ Hardest Questions: Does God Love Me More When I Obey My Mom and Dad?
Because we’re not God, our anger is imperfect anger at times, even sinful. But it doesn’t change our love for our kids.
The Question at the Heart of Christianity
Central to our faith is the answer to this question: How is one right with God?
Being Constantly Online Has Changed Us More than We Think
When you ask, How could being on the internet so much be shaping us?, the real answer is, How could it not be shaping us?
The God Who Runs After Those Who Wander
We are a people who are prone to wander. We are so drawn to instant gratification. We're drawn to the things that we can see that are tangible and right in front of us.
Talking about Heaven with a Grieving Person
What do you do when that’s the way everyone is talking about someone who has died, but you’re not sure that you ever saw any genuine relationship with Christ?
Why You'll Never Be Content without God
Since God is able to be completely content in himself, we are able to find contentment in him as well. We will never find true contentment with God.
Introducing ‘Be Thou My Vision’
This 31-day liturgical guide is designed to provide structure to the daily worship of individuals and families.
What We Can Learn from the Reformation 500 Years Later
The Reformation emphasized preaching the gospel with boldness and clarity.
The Christian Life Is Not Interrupted by Death
The New Testament answers the question about whether Christians at the point of death are in heaven with the comfort that they are “away from the body and at home with the Lord.”
The Messy-yet-Instructive Culture Surrounding the Canons of Dort
We can learn something about how previous cared about theological points because the worship of God, the purity of the church, and the understanding of Scripture were at stake.
How Our Theology Shapes Our Prayers
Theology helps us uncover what we know about God and turn it into prayer and praise to God.
4 Things that Make the Bible Literary
The subject of literature is human experience. We should read the Bible through that lens.
Virtual church cannot deliver the water of baptism. It cannot deliver the body and the blood, the bread and the wine of Christ's body broken and his blood shed for us.
How Does the Parable of the Two Sons Display the Genius of Jesus?
The parable of the two sons is Jesus’s longest story, and it’s remarkable in so many ways. Jesus loads up the story with layers of meaning.
The Unexpected Outcome of Self-Sufficiency
Do you ascribe something to yourself that is only true about God?
Why Do We Need a Liturgy for Our Daily Worship?
It's not whether or not you're going to have a liturgy for your daily quiet time, it's just which kind of liturgy you're going to have.
Read-Aloud Video: ‘Meg Is Not Alone’
Watch a video and enjoy hearing this children's story read aloud by its author about the importance and blessing of the local church.
When Christ Turns Persecutors into Persecuted (for His Glory)
Jesus is alive, is at work, and he’s bringing men and women to himself.
A Surprising Scoundrel of Scripture
The high priest was to serve as a mediator between God and the people of God. What was he supposed to mediate from God to the people? Mercy.
Why Do Christians Care So Much About Christmas?
Christians care about Christmas because it marks the beginning of the gospel, the beginning of the good news of Jesus Christ.
Am I Sinning When I'm Not Content?
God is in control of every part of life—from the mundane to the significant. Discontentment is questioning the wisdom and sovereignty of his plans.
Pastor: Expound, Apply, Repeat
You are hired as a minister in your church to be a preacher—not just to expound the Word, but to apply it.